Meaning of Death

Sunday, April 5, 2009

when a poet writes of death
don't take it literally
death has many meanings
which differ significantly

to a poet death might mean
death of a past
which is a new beginning
one that might last

death to a poet is life
time to start a new chapter
turn the page
turn sadness into laughter

to a poet death is a new start
ending of strife
closing, locking the doors
of their old life

death has so many meanings
not only for a poet
all parts of life leads to death
some just don't know it

death means change
chance for a new beginning
put the past behind
stop losing, start winning

so to a poet
death is not always bad
we must write our feelings
whether good or sad

p.s.not sure this makes much sense
but i was buzzed ;)

sandy nobody


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