What Be A Friend Of Thee? What Be This Friend To Ye?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Perchance i might say old friend...
You are my one of all friend to friends of a friend of all friends.

Friends are a lot that are few in time...
A friend is a friend of mine be so ever good and sublime.

A friend will not ask you to go to jail for them...
A true friend will stay behind with you or not
soon depart from you when you've become mad at them.

A friend will stay and talk with you when time is of the area of being early or late...
A friend will accompany you on a double date when the woman
he has chosen for you just might be of the ugliest and hideousest of state.

What is a friend true or best? ...
A friend is a friend, no matter what be your best given test.

Michael Gale

[Source: PoemHunter.com]

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