Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It was only a kiss
I woke up to this morning.
It was only a kiss.
I kissed her lips last evening.
It was only a kiss.
It started all with a kiss.
Who would have thought I'd be missed.
It was only a kiss.
It was only a kiss.
I kissed her late last evening.
It was only a kiss.
But today I'll be leaving.
It was only a kiss.
Who would have thought I'd be missed.
It started all with one kiss.
It was only a kiss
It was only a kiss
I kissed her right before morning,
It was only a kiss.
But today I’ll be leaving.
It was only a kiss
Who would have thought that I’d be missed.
Never knew it would feel like this.
It was only a kiss
It was only a kiss
I kissed her lips last evening
It was only a kiss
And today I’ll be leaving.
It was only a kiss.
Never knew it would feel anything like this.
Who would have thought I would be missed.

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