I Hope RIP Ming
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I hope that your new wings of strength will carry you far,
I hope that you will go to Starclan, with the Warrior cats,
Or sit in kitty Heaven, on velvety mats,
I hope that I will accept, that it is time to say good bye,
I hope I can stop that urge that wants me to cry,
I hope I will miss you, and you miss me,
I hope you will live happily,
I hope that you once again, have the strength to run,
I hope that you once again are young enough to have fun,
I hope we will meet again, when it is my time to go,
I hope you will remember what fun we had so,
I hope to see you will new youth,
I hope to see you fine,
I hope I will be in your heart, and you will be in mine,
I hope you will once again, be King of the house,
I hope that you once again, have the power to chase a mouse,
All I’m trying to say, all I’m trying to do, this is all because,
I love you.
Saralena Cullen
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