Thursday, May 21, 2009

life is neither a heaven nor a hell.
not a puzzle to get displace.
life is life n only life
which we have to live n survive..

life is not a trauma of tumult..
nor of sporadic spryness or sundry sadness
life is living n to live is life

life is not a season of summer or springs..
or of being at shed or scortching heat
life is what it is l-iving i-t f-ullest e-clatically
is the message it gives..

life is not a sea of sorrow or plethora of pleasure
nothing so special nothin to err
life is living n only living..
& the one who defines it, does it for living

life is not a boon nor a bane
& nthng being so estrange
life is to live n to live is life..
& living life makes us suffice.........

Srishti Shrivastava


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